The Kingfisher Bookstore in Downtown Coupeville has doubled its size, providing an even greater selection and space for events.
The Story of A Touch of Dutch
Critters & Company in Clinton has expanded its supplies and services and is the only full-service pet store on South Whidbey
Second Hand Booty in Clinton: One Person’s “Stuff” is Another Person’s Treasure
Katie Ginn’s Designer Consigner in Freeland is now featuring lovely denim jackets made from recycled materials created by Ganette Copeland who also helps out at the store
Katie Ginn’s Designer Consigner in Freeland is now accepting quality women’s clothing and accessories for spring and summer
Flowers by the Bay in Freeland has new owners: Danielle Dontcho and Eli Imbery
Julie Larsen is the new owner of Full Circle Business Center, formerly the GHL Shipping Center, in Langley
Alma, a new store in Langley specializes in natural, organic clothing, toys and essentials for the whole family
Critters & Company in Clinton is a delightful place to look for a pet and pet supplies, and it is a non-profit animal rescue organization